Here you will find all resources available for download
Sales Material such as catalogues and brochures, B2B ressources (behind a B2B login) including an extensive image library and 3D models, and finally a section for Press.
Sales materials
Materials and finishes
Finishes per model
Overview of upholstery options per model in our warehouse programme.
Table finishes per model
Overview of table options per model in our warehouse programme.
B2B Ressources
Access requires a B2B login. If you do not already have a login, please contact us.
Product data & stock list
Now available on FTP and as API, to enrich data on your webshop/website.
Image Bank
Download high res. product pictures and lifestyle pictures for marketing and social media.
Find out more
Explore our range of high quality furniture.
Read more about DAN-FORM and who we are.